Wednesday, August 04, 2004

But wait -- there's more!

My RSV theory is confirmed in that article I just linked to. Look:

A major branch of the study has shown that children with a small difference in their lungs caused by something before or just after birth makes them more susceptible to asthma.
Dr. Martinez has found that children that develop respiratory infections such as bronchialitis and pneumonia at a very young age or before birth started life with lungs that were different, and they are predisposed to develop asthma.

He said that if mothers smoke or the child is born prematurely, they are at a greater risk of developing these infections. Preventing these infections early in life is easier than trying to erase the asthma.

So it WAS the RSV, most likely. In most other kids, it would have just presented as a cold. But for some reason, although he wasn't born prematurely, Bryn was susceptible to bronchial ailments. (He'd had a mishandled bronchiolitis just after his first birthday.)

Right. More research to be done, Mama.

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