Good news: We went to the PP last Thursday and B and Ig are both of Flovent for the summer! In fact, B can even go off Singulair for the first time starting next month.
Bad news: B started developing Perioral Dermatitis again within a day of going off the steroids. Poor guy. I'm actually on hold with the dermatologist now. B is sooo bummed that the rash is back. He looks awful, and he knows it. So sad for a 5 year old to go through this!
More bad news: Not only is Oz still on the Flovent, he's on oral steroids right now, too. Saturday night, he had one of the worst attacks ever - it took two back-to-back nebs to quiet him down that afternoon. And three back-to-back to stop the coughing over night.
He's much better today, but still looking unwell and not eating. We're off the the PP in an hour.
Hi. My 7 year old has had peri-oral dermatitis after coming off her Flovent for the summer. This happened last summer and we did not know what it was and the doctors did not know either. Well this June she got the same facial rash 4 days after stopping her Flovent. I thought about it and realized the association. She was treated with topical Erytromycin(EES) and when the rash persisted she went on oral EES. Her face looks better now and she is much happier.
Ugh! Isn't it the WORST??? B was on the orals and topical Metro cream, and it STILL took about 4 weeks to clear up. Horrible. We're so happy he's off the Flovent for good (we hope)!
Aimee, I JUST came across your blog when I googled orapred for my athsma kid. i have experience with Periorial Dermatitis - my little guy had it for 2 years until we went on antibiotics- everyone thought it was ezcema. Ithink it was Erythromycin.... you should see a pedi dermatolgist.
Thank you for sharing your experiences! It wasn't until I came to your site, that I realized my son had perioral dermatitis within days of coming off Flovent for the summer. It took a couple trips to the pediatrician (who prescribed Cortaid 1st...yikes!). I then discussed the possibility of PD and got a referral to a pediatric dermatologist. One course of oral antibiotics got rid of it. He's now back on Flovent (sigh), but at least now, we wash his face along with rinsing his mouth...hopefully, that will help prevent a reccurrence?
Hmmm...not sure washing the face will prevent PD. I think you'll notice that if your child misses even one dose, a little red spot will pop up...I believe it's internal, not topical.
Found your blog when searching for possible causes of a rash on my 3 year old's face - around her mouth, on her chin and a little around her eyes -small, red bumps, pretty confident it's perioral dermatitis. It started the day after I took her off flovent for the summer and 2 weeks later it's still there. Honestly, thought it couldn't be the flovent b/c I had just stopped it, never thought that STOPPING it could be the cause, but seems to have happened to others. Anyway, I see that you're local (saw the video you posted re: Dr. Wazeka, we use the same pulminology group) and, on the off chance that you check comments to a posting from 2007, was wondering if you can recommend the pediatric dermatologist that you used. Thanks!
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